Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The American Recipe

Well, you may have noticed that my last few blog posts have generally been about the American Dream. Well guess that this one is about! Now that we have a pretty good idea on what the American Dream is, lets make a recipe!

Ingredients needed:

  • 1/2 cup of belief
    • Everyone needs to believe in themselves before they can accomplish anything
  • 3 cups of family
    • Who stands by you no matter what you situation is? Your family. The basis for any American Dream is the people who love you.
  • A dash of luck
    • Lets face it, luck dictates your life. While you can do things to tip luck more into your favor, we all need a little bit of it.
  • 5 large, gigantic cups of hard-work
    • As we all know, hard-work is what gets you what you want. Want to get an A in a class, study like you've never studied before. Want to buy a new car, I hope you have a job because you will need to save money like you've never saved before.
  • 3 Dedication
    • Every road has a pothole. It is your goal to overcome those potholes and continue on you journey to achieve the American Dream.

  1. Mix all the ingredients together.
  2. Stir until all ingredients are fully mixed
  3. Heat in your oven at 350 degrees for approximately 12 minutes
  4. Let it cool down a bit
  5. Enjoy your American Dream.

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